Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Focus of Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractors approach the person as a whole being consisting of mind body and spirit. The nervous system and how it functions with the rest of the structures of the body help determine your overall health. We work on the back and spine because that is where much of the nervous system is and starts to enter the other structures of the body.


What Kind of Problems Do Chiropractors Handle?

We work with acute and chronic conditions. Car accident injuries, falls, and other violent incidents create acute conditions. Arthritis of varying kinds, headaches, and difficulty ambulating are often chronic conditions we see in the office.

What Payment Methods Are Common?

We accept cash or checks for our services, but prefer credit or debit card transactions. Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) are covered by Auto insurance, and work-related injuries are often covered by Workers' Compensation.

The N.E.T Method

You can learn more about the N.E.T. method (Neuroemotional technique) at and the

I encourage you to review these websites for a better understanding of how we view/address stress issues based on the research.